Thursday, July 5, 2012

British Life and Culture - #17

Today was the start of our four day long weekend and we went to Paris! We all met at the tube station at 7:30 and took it to the Chunnel, which left at 9:15. We got there around 12:45, Paris time. I was going to have to get used to another time change. Paris is ahead of London by one hour.

We took a cab to our hotel. It's a little out of central Paris and our driver didn't exactly know where it was. So our first experience was trying to find the hotel with a driver who didn't know any English. We settled in and then were in a hurry to find lunch. We didn't see anything near us so we started walking toward the metro station and found a little cafe there. We had steak and fries for lunch and the guys working at the cafe blared music for us. Then we went to the metro station and got day passes.

The first big thing we wanted to do was see the Eiffel Tower so we headed there. We got to see it and take pictures in front of it right before it started raining. I was disappointed that it was overcast because our pictures weren't that great but at least it wasn't raining very hard. We didn't want the rain to stop our plans so we walked to the Arc de Triomph. We tried to find out how to actually get to it because there's a circular road that surrounds it that cars drive on. We couldn't figure out how so we decided we would just start walking in a circle around it and maybe we would find out how. Finally we saw some stair then went to a tunnel underneath the road. We got to the entrance and found out we had to buy tickets just to walk underneath the arc. We didn't think it was worth it so we kept walking.

Then we sat down at a cafe to get crepes. It was raining pretty hard by now so we ended up just staying there for a couple hours waiting for the rain to calm down. We enjoyed watching people coming and going. It finally stopped raining so we headed back toward the Eiffel Tower to see it lit up at night. We got there at sunset and it was already lit up. It was gorgeous!! We decided to go up it so we could experience it at night. While we waited in line, it started blinking! Everyone oohed and ahhed and started snapping pictures. We got up to the counter and they told us the very top had just closed. We still had the option of going up to the second floor, which was about half way up, so we decided to do that. We could see all of Paris and it was so pretty. Everything was lit up and the lights of the city were beautiful. When we got down, we realized it was too late to take the metro so we had to get a cab. The driver spoke a little English and this was a huge surprise. It was much easier getting back to our hotel this time! Today was so eventful and I'm definitely exhausted.

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