Wednesday, July 11, 2012

British Life and Culture - #20

Today was our last day in Paris. The girls I was staying with, Anna Marie, Lauren, and Erika, got train tickets back to London earlier in the day. I wanted to stay an extra day and the other girls did too so we all got tickets for 6:00pm. Anna Marie, Lauren, and Erika had to leave at 6:00am so they got up at 5:30 and because our room was so small, that's also when I got up. I tried to fall back asleep after they left but I just couldn't.

I was going to meet up with the other group, Leah, Haley, Nicole, and Abby. They said they were leaving their flat at 9:30am so I told them I would head over around 9. I didn't think they would wake up much before 9 so I was trying to pass the time as I waited. I watched French tv for a little while. The only things that were on at 6 in the morning were cartoons and news. Since news in English isn't too entertaining to me anyway I decided to go with the cartoons. Finally 8:00 rolled around so I got ready for the day and I packed up all my stuff. I ended up leaving my hotel at 8:45 and hoped I didn't show up to their flat before they woke up. I walked to the metro station and tried to go to the little breakfast place we'd been going to everyday but it was closed since it was early Sunday morning. Not much else was open either. I went down into the station and it was so empty. I guess Paris is pretty empty on Sundays like London. After all the stops, I finally made it to their flat. But it was 9:45!! It took me an entire hour to get from our hotel to their flat. I had no idea how out of the way our hotel really was.

Then we all left their flat and went to Starbucks for breakfast. We caught a cab and headed to Sacre Coeur. I thought it was funny that the cab dropped us off right at the doorstep. We didn't even have to climb all of those steps! It wasn't raining today so I was glad I came to it for the second day in a row. The day before was so overcast we couldn't see much. We went inside and walked around. When we came out, we decided we would head down into the little town for lunch. On the way down, I kept looking for the artists that my mom had told me about. I thought they weren't there the day before because it was raining but it was bright and sunny today and I still couldn't find any of them. We stopped at the souvenir shops along the way. Then we went to a restaurant for lunch.

From there, the girls wanted to go to Longchamp since they're made in Paris. We tried to catch a cab but were having trouble because there were 5 of us. Most cabs were small cars and only fit 4. We wanted to try to squeeze 5 but apparently it's illegal so we were having trouble finding a driver who would be willing to. We finally did and when we got to Longchamp, we were disappointed to find that they were closed since it was Sunday. We got out and walked a block down to Laduree. The other girls got macaroons. Then we tried to catch a cab again but ran into the same problem. Since we were in a nicer area, I knew none of the drivers would be willing to. Abby and I took the metro to their flat. I stopped at a fruit stand and got an apple and banana before we went in. We packed up all of our stuff and got back on the metro to head to Gare de Nord, the train station. We got there in plenty of time. We got a beignet before boarding the train and then we were off to London again!

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