Monday, July 9, 2012

Store Design and Visual Merchandising - #13

Today we went to the market in Camden. Jose told us it was very punk, boho, and hippie. I thought it was more punk that anything. It was all very dark and edgy. There were a ton of piercing and tattoo shops. There were vulgar words and symbols on t-shirts or other merchandise in some of the stores. The people there also fit the feeling of the area - they were very alternative.

The market itself was interesting because it wasn't booths set up. They were actual stores and looked more permanent. However, they were a little rinky dink. A lot of them had music blaring that went along with the attitude of their store. Some of the stores had strobe lights, which gave off a party/rave feel. The most common merchandise there was accessories.

There were a lot of vintage shops in this area. I also found that knock-offs were popular. I saw fake Chanel earrings and a fake Louis Vuitton wallet in one of the stores. Every once in a while, I'd come across a very girly store. I would say they were 5-10 in the market. They had a lot of pastel colored clothing and lace was common. They were all owned by Asian people. Everything was very cutesy and bows were everywhere. However, most of the stores were punk.

There was one store outside the market that was on an adjacent wall. It was called Punk Glamour. They had three simple mannequins in the window. They were dressed in skulls, which are typical of the punk style.

The facades of the stores were really unique. They would have giant objects above the doorway, like a big converse shoe was the most common.

This market was not like the rest of London at all. It was like it's own little world. It was also very different from Spitalfields market. Spitalfields was definitely cleaner and the area was a lot nicer. There were restaurants surrounding it and it was covered by a sky-light roof. Spitalfields is made up of entirely booths so it wasn't as permanent as Camden was. I think I liked the atmosphere of Spitalfields more just because it was cleaner and in a better area.

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